In obedience to the Great Commission, Palm Grove Mennonite Church supports and sends workers to Haiti...... .....to share the message of the Gospel and to lead persons to a saving fatih in Jesus Christ; .....to build the Church through the nurture of believers; .....to alleviate human need--including but not limited to educational opportunities, medical assistance, nutritional programs, and vocational development. HISTORY: Our work in Haiti began in the late 1970's when Miriam Overholt from PGMC met and married Eris Labady from Puits Sales, Haiti. A parcel of land was purchased in Puits Sales, a small community on the southern coast of the island. In 1978, a church was built. A school was added in 1981, with attendance today being well over 500. In the years since, other buildings have been added to accomodate the needs of this ministry. Eris and Miriam Labady continue to serve in multiple capacities--giving oversight to the work, equipping and training leaders, encouraging the churches, translating literature, counseling, giving medical assistance, hosting visitors, assisting in other mission organizations, and muc more. MINISTRY: From its beginning in Puits Sales, this ministry has grown immensely, spreading into neighboring communities. Today there are... 15 churches with membership exceeding 1,500 14 schools with over 3,500 students enrolled |