Who we are & What we Believe:We are a body of Believers dedicated to following the teachings of Jesus Christ. We believe that Jesus is who He said He was when He was here....the Son of God! We believe He came to earth, was born of a virgin, died at Calvary, rose again three days later, and is now sitting at the right hand of God interceding for you and I.
We are an assembly, primarily of Anabaptist heritage, but from a variety of backgrounds. We love to worship together. We also enjoy fellowshipping together and hosting visitors. Our prayer is that this site would serve as an extension of the church and that it would serve God as well as serve as a reference for anyone wanting to learn more about us and the HOPE that lies within us. Statement of Faith and PracticeConfession of Faith
We recognize that Jesus Christ as the only means of salvation. John 14:6. We believe in repentance (turning away) from sin and acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, God as our Heavenly Father, and the Holy Spirit as our Guide. Rev. 3:20; John 14:23, 26; Luke 13:3. We believe in both Spirit and Water Baptism. Acts 1:5; 2:38. We accept the Bible as the authoritative Word of God and believe that all Scripture is given by direct inspiration of God. II Tim. 3:16. We, therefore, base our faith, lives, and practice on its written message. Purity and Devotion Recognizing that Christ is returning for a pure Church, we commit ourselves to a lifestyle of purity. Eph. 5:27. Recognizing the importance of being filled (controlled) by the Spirit, we will carefully cultivate a personal devotional life by regular study and meditation in God's Word, combined with prayer for ourselves and others. Eph. 5:18; II Tim. 2:15; I Thess. 5:17 Brotherhood Involvement We recognize the Church as the body of Christ. Therefore we will not neglect the assembling of ourselves together. Heb. 10:25. We will exercise our spiritual gifts and participate in the worship experience, the discipling ministries, observance of the Lord's Supper, and the activities of the Church. I Cor. 12:1-11; I Cor. 11:23-26. We will support, submit to, and pray for our leaders and our brothers and sisters. Heb. 13:17; Eph. 5:21. Recognizing that in the body of Christ we are members one of another, we will commit to loving and caring for one another. I Cor. 12:24, 27. Personal Witness We will take seriously Jesus' great commission. Mt. 28:18-20. Understanding that the ministry of reconciliation has been given to us, we will testify by our daily words and life to those around us and to the world at large of God's saving and enabling grace. II Cor. 5:18 Stewardship We recognize that the blessings we have been given, spiritually and materially, are a trust from God committed to us as His stewards. Therefore, we will use them responsibly by willingly contributing time, gifts, tithes, and offerings to the ministry and mission of the Church. I Cor. 4:2; Ps. 24:1; Mal. 3:8, 10. Marriage We believe marriage, Christian and non-Christian, is a permanent covenant between a man and a woman terminated only by death. Rom. 7:2; Mark 10:2-10. A believer should not initiate divorce and those who are divorced must remain single or be reconciled to their original spouse. I Cor. 7:11. We recognize that remarriage following divorce is a state of adultery. Rom. 7:3; Mt. 5:32; Mark 10:11, 12. We believe that any sexual relationship outside of the marriage bond is a sin. Anyone involved in fornication, adultery, or homosexuality needs to repent of (forsake, turn away from) such a relationship to inherit the kingdom of God. I Cor. 6:9, 10; Gal. 5:19-21; Eph. 5:3-5. Roles of Men and Women: We believe the husband must diligently fulfill his role as leader in the home, Eph. 5:23, modeling a Christ-like life in his marriage, loving and honoring his wife, Eph. 5:25; I Pet. 2:7, and nurturing , admonishing, and training his children. Eph. 6:4; Pro. 22:6. We believe that the wife is to reverence her husband, submit to him, and be a suitable helper for him. Eph. 5:22, 23; Gen. 2:18. We believe in God's ordained order of headship. ICor. 11:3. Therefore, men are to honor Christ by keeping their heads unveiled when praying or prophesying, I Cor. 11:4,7, and women are to veil their heads when praying or prophesying (daily, continuous action) as a sign of authority in light of God's headship principle. I Cor. 11:5, 6, 10. We believe it is a shame/disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut (sheared) or shaved off, therefore, a woman is to maintain long hair, which is a glory to her. I Cor. 11:6, 15. We recognize that even nature teaches that it is a shame/disgrace for a man to have long hair. I Cor. 11:14 Godly Appearance and Practice We believe that Christians are to maintain a non-conformed lifestyle that rejects the ungodly patterns of the world. Rom. 12:2 Recognizing that our bodies are the temples of the Holy Spirit, we will glorify God in our bodies. I Cor. 6:19, 20. We will endeavor to find our joy in the pursuit of godliness, to wear clothing that is modest and reflects Godly character, and to seek the ageless beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit. We believe that God created and fashioned us. Ps. 139:14-16. Therefore, we will not subject our bodies to tattoos, piercings, or distracting cosmetics. Lev. 19:28. We will not submit to the standards that the world dictates such as immodesty, jewelry, and costly array. I Pet. 3:3-5; I Tim. 2:9, 10. We recognize that the Scripture teaches a clear distinction between male and female roles, responsibilities, and appearances. We recognize that a woman should not wear that which pertains to a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment for it is an abomination unto God. I Cor. 11:1-16; Deut. 22:5 We will carefully choose leisure activities that build a wholesome body, character, and thought life. Phil 4:8. Recognizing the tremendous impact of all forms of media and music, we will allow the Holy Spirit and the Word of God to guide us in controlling their impact on our lives. We will refrain from practices which would grieve the Holy Spirit, harm our bodies, or hinder our witnesses for Christ. Eph. 4:30. We recognize that we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus, zealous of good works. Eph. 2:10; Titus 2:10 Value of Human Life We believe that human life has its beginning at the time of conception, and the taking of human life, whether by abortion, infanticide, euthanasia, or in any other circumstances, is murder and is forbidden in Scripture. Ps. 139:13-16; Jer. 1:5; Ex. 20:13. We will avoid violence and endeavor to live at peace with all men. As children of our Heavenly Father, we will love our enemies, do good to them that hate us, and pray for them that despitefully use us. Mt. 5:44, 45; I Pet. 2:21-23. Recognizing that the Kingdom of Christ is not of this world, we will not participate in any form of military service. John 18:36. Those that live by the sword shall die by the sword. Mt. 26:52; Rev. 13:10. Recognizing that the governing authorities are ordained of God, we will obey the government in all areas that do not conflict with our higher loyalty to God. Rom. 13:1-7 |
Steps to Peace With God:Step 1: God's Purpose: Peace and Life
God loves you and wants you to experience peace and life--abundant and eternal. The Bible says..."For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16 Step 2: The Problem--Our Separation God created us in His own image to have an abundant life. He did not make us as robots to automatically love and obey Him. God gave us a will and a freedom of choice. We chose to disobey God and go our own willful way. We still make this choice today. This results in separation from God. The Bible says..."For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Romans 3:23 "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 6:23 Our Attempts to Reach God People have tried in many ways to bridge this gap between themselves and God... The Bible says..."There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death." Pro. 14:12 No bridge reaches God...except one. Step 3: God's Bridge: The Cross Jesus Christ died on the Cross and rose from the grave. He paid the penalty for our sin and bridged the gap between God and people. The Bible says..."For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the man Jesus Christ." I Tim. 2:5 Step 4: Our Response: Receive Christ We must trust Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and receive Him by personal invitation. The Bible says..."That if you confess with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord', and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." Romans 10:9 Where are you? Will you receive Jesus Christ right now? Here's how: 1. Admit your need. (I am a sinner) 2. Be willing to turn away from your sins. (Repent) 3. Believe that Jesus Christ died for you on the Cross and rose from the grave. 4. Through prayer, invite Jesus Christ to come in and control your life through the Holy Spirit. (Receive Him as Lord and Savior) Member: |