Surprise clown encounter at Beach Farewell and Birthday Celebration!
Girls' Weekend Away!!!
Auction and Spaghetti Supper Proceeds to help support D.W. in his mission trip to Mongolia
Fun Night: Baked Potato Bar and a Movie
A special "THANK YOU" to Marv & Wanda for serving as Youth Directors for over two years!!!!
Marv's spiritual gift of administration and Wanda's gift of mercy were put to good use as youth directors. Marv had a way of motivating everyone to get things done, have fun doing it, and encouraging everyone to be on time. Wanda always had a listening ear to hear and care about each youth. Their term as directors ended with a special time with the youth praying over them and blessing them for what they did. The youth then presented them with a special blanket and gift card as a small token of appreciation.
Work Project: Cleaning up a neighbor lady's yard and enjoying hamburgers and hot dogs afterwards.